Het onderwijs voor de 2e jaars studenten geneeskunde zit er alweer op. Vrijdag hadden ze tentamen. De komende 3 weken houdt het onderwijsblok voor 3e jaars studenten (onderwerp 'psychiatrische stoornissen') me van de straat - en uit Club Confabula... Dit is 'mijn' blok. Leuk onderdeel van ons onderwijs vind ik, omdat nu kan worden gewerkt met casuïstiek.
Maar nog even voor de 2e jaars, want non scholae, sed vitae discimus. Een voorbeeld van primair procesdenken (zie PP).

Paula Rego: "They have been enslaved by the adult world but they always fight back. They are themselves capable of evil deeds as evil as those of their captors. Nevertheless their evil deeds are always of a private and malicious nature, done usually out of spite and never out of higher moral values; as they know that these are the pretext used by their jailor-teachers to perpetuate the worst tortures."
'…Rego eventually developed an illustrative and more
figurative style, related to Francis Bacon and Lucian Freud (zie eerder: 'De werkgroep, Freuds kleinzoon & creativiteit') but with a strong influence of Beatrix Potter books and fairy tales. Her work often gives a sinister edge to storybook imagery, emphasizing malicious domination or the subversion of natural order. She deals with social realities that are polemic … animals are often depicted in human roles and situations. Later work adopts a more realistic style, but sometimes keeps the animal references … ' Een overview vind je op Paula’s Playground.

"I was very scared and a bit daunted! But to find one's way anywhere one has to find one's door, just like, Alice; you see. You take too much of one thing and you get too big, then you take too much of another and you get too small. You've got to find your own way into things..."

Afbeelding: The vivian girls Breaking the China
Thanks to Remko (zie reply op 28 Feb)

12 Mrt '08

2 opmerkingen:

Anoniem zei

Lijkt me een interessant onderwijsblok. Jammer dat ik geen student ben...

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